A Night In With The LSP
Do you find it hard to unwind in the evening? Is your mind still buzzing with your unfinished to-do list making it feel impossible to switch off from the working day? Do you tend to end up slumped on the sofa half watching TV whilst scrolling on your phone only to find it’s suddenly bedtime already!?
As the evenings draw in and we move deeper into the Autumn months, we are here to guide you through a restful, restorative evening routine.
Prioritising restorative practice to wind down each evening can help your body's physiological state return back to its baseline. This helps to ensure you aren't going to bed with your mind & body in a heightened state of arousal, which can negatively impact sleep, and in turn, your mood the next day.
Below are our top tips on how you can optimise an indulgent and mindful evening routine.
Setting the scene:
Start your evening reset by creating a calming ‘ambiance’ in your home.
Scent and memory are closely aligned, having a fragrance that your mind directly links to feelings of relaxation can be a really powerful way to signal to your body that it’s time for you to unwind.
Our favorite way to do this is by lighting candles and using the NEOM well-being pod with the ‘scent to destress oil.’
It’s important for the body to have time to prepare for sleep and so an evening routine that includes a darker environment will support that transition. Drawing the curtains and dimming artificial light before bedtime creates clear signals to the mind and body that it is time to rest.
*The LSP is a proud ambassador of NEOM and is thrilled to be able to offer you an exclusive discount - click HERE and use the code NEOM2-95pb6j to access.
Wash the day away:
Running yourself a warm bath or stepping into a steaming shower will help to soothe your mind and prepare your body for relaxation.
Take a moment to close your eyes and visualise the water cleansing the stress and worries of the day away from you.
Changing into something cosy:
Changing out of ‘work’ clothes into ‘relaxing' clothes helps your brain to recognize that you are leaving one part of your day and all the emotions and thoughts that are paired with that, and entering into a different part of the day where what is expected of you is very different.
A simple change of clothes into your favorite loungewear or pajama set can help you to switch off from ‘daytime’ mode and ease into a slower pace.
The LSP recently partnered with the incredible team at Sunday Luxe - click HERE to find out about the brand and our unique collaboration concept.
Journaling is a powerful tool that encourages us to be present and develop our self-awareness. Setting time aside in the evening to process your thoughts, feelings, and emotions can help to release pent-up inner tension that has built throughout a busy day. Exploring your emotions in this way also offers the opportunity for you to spot triggers and patterns in your behavior.
If you aren't sure where to start, try using the journal prompts below:
How am I feeling?
What’s been taking up most of my headspace today?
What am I proud of myself for today?
What would make tomorrow an even better day?
Swap the scroll:
Scrolling through TikTok and Instagram will not only likely fuel comparison and feelings of being ‘less than’ others, but the blue light emitted from your phone also interferes with your circadian rhythm, blocking your sleepy hormone melatonin and tricking your mind to believe it’s still day time!
Practice having some time away from your screen in the evening, try swapping the scroll for a podcast (...stay tuned), or read a book instead. Many of our clients have found benefits from reading fiction books that help them to escape reality and get lost in someone else's story.
Become the master of your mind:
Meditation helps us to become observers of our thoughts. Meditating regularly allows us to see our problems and anxieties from outside of ourselves, instead of being tangled up with them.
A perfect time to listen to a meditation and to receive words deeply into your subconscious mind is when you are in a soothed state.
As you climb into bed, play the meditation below to help you drift into deep relaxation
"Learning how to wind down at the end of each day, allows both your mind & body the chance to process the day’s events. Throughout the day little (& big) stresses can build, leaving a surplus of adrenaline which can result in a distracted mind and tired body. Your mind was built to pay attention to the physiological state of your body, which means if it is giving signals something isn’t quite right you will be more likely to experience anxious thoughts and feelings."
- Resident Psychological Coach Rachael Adams
LSP Favourites from the NEOM Organics Wellbeing range…
We hope you've enjoyed this month’s LSP Journal entry and that you are looking forward to incorporating these methods into your routine tonight!